DBL Partners a Founding Network member of GIIN

The Glob­al Impact Invest­ing Net­work (www​.thegi​in​.org) is a non-prof­it ded­i­cat­ed to increas­ing the scale and effec­tive­ness of impact invest­ing.  DBL Part­ners is proud to be a Found­ing Net­work mem­ber, one […]

Romney Voters More Likely to Make Green Improvements

You read that right.  Accord­ing to a new sur­vey, Mitt Rom­ney’s vot­ers are more like­ly than Oba­ma’s to make ener­gy sav­ing improve­ments.  Shocked? Don’t be.  DBL Part­ners’ own research backs […]

Green New Deal

Pres­i­dent Obama’s eco­nom­ic stim­u­lus, an $800 bil­lion spend­ing spree that Con­gress approved in 2009, remains front and cen­ter in the debate over what role gov­ern­ment should play in steer­ing the […]

Never Make a Cold Call Again: 4 Tips, by @pkfletcher

Inc. con­trib­u­tor Pat­ti Fletch­er @pkfletcher and I met at the We Own It Sum­mit back in June and had a fan­tas­tic con­ver­sa­tion about how ven­ture firms are approached.  Do peo­ple cold call […]