Romney Voters More Likely to Make Green Improvements

Fast Company Co. Exist

September 25, 2012

You read that right.  Accord­ing to a new sur­vey, Mitt Rom­ney’s vot­ers are more like­ly than Oba­ma’s to make ener­gy sav­ing improve­ments.  Shocked? Don’t be.  DBL Part­ners’ own research backs up this data with our own find­ings that more green jobs can be found in Red-lean­ing states.

Some oth­er high­lights from the survey:

  • Rom­ney votes are more like­ly to have installed low-flow toi­lets and bought ener­gy-effi­cient appli­ances than Oba­ma vot­ers. But Oba­ma vot­ers are more like­ly to eat organ­ic foods, unplug elec­tron­ics when not in use, and recycle–in oth­er words, to make lifestyle changes.
  • Sav­ing mon­ey is the top rea­son to make green home improve­ments for both Oba­ma vot­ers (84%) and Rom­ney vot­ers (87%). Oba­ma and Rom­ney vot­ers also are in close agree­ment on oth­er rea­sons to make these changes: improv­ing fam­i­ly health (60% vs. 54%, respec­tive­ly) and help­ing Amer­i­ca become less depen­dent on oth­er coun­tries (50% vs. 47%).
  • Oba­ma vot­ers, how­ev­er, are much more like­ly to cite con­cern for the plan­et (58%) as a rea­son to make green home improve­ments com­pared to Rom­ney vot­ers (27%).