The Military-Industrial-Sustainability Complex

The U.S. Depart­ment of Defense is spend­ing bil­lions of dol­lars on every­thing from advanced bat­tery and bio­fu­el R&D to mass deploy­ment of solar pow­er across bases and mil­i­tary hous­ing. Across the world, militaries […]

Trashy Startups Haul It In

DBL Part­ners’ port­fo­lio com­pa­ny Eco­scraps recent­ly made the print ver­sion of Ven­ture Cap­i­tal Jour­nal as part of a roundup of com­pa­nies tak­ing invest­ment for waste inno­va­tion.  Unfor­tu­nate­ly the full article […]

Veterans Find Jobs, and New Mission, in Cleantech

See the full San Jose Mer­cury News arti­cle here. When mil­i­tary vet­er­ans search for jobs, they often want more than a pay­check. Many say they look for reward­ing work and […]

SolarCity to bring Solar to Military Housing

DBL Part­ners’ port­fo­lio com­pa­ny SolarCi­ty is embark­ing on a major project to bring solar to more than 120,000 mil­i­tary homes in the next five years.  The impact will be huge. […]