Could green bank in Nevada encourage clean-energy sector?

Despite costs declin­ing over the past decade, installing a clean-ener­­gy sys­tem or retro­fitting for ener­gy effi­cien­cy remains pro­hib­i­tive­ly expen­sive for many con­sumers and small busi­ness­es across the state. And that […]

Ag Tech’s Third Wave — 1 Technology Hits Pay Dirt

HADDONFIELD, N.J. (DTN) — Steve Hess may be the grand­fa­ther of nine, but when it comes to farm­ing, he is a mil­len­ni­al at heart. In fact, Hess, his wife Phyllis […]

NEXTracker gets Brazil local content compliance

NEX­Track­er has received cer­ti­fi­ca­tion for com­pli­ance with Brazil­ian domes­tic con­tent rules for its man­u­fac­tur­ing oper­a­tions, open­ing access to favourable cred­it lines for the com­pa­ny. The firm, which topped the rankings […]