Michael Plitkins – Redefining the human experience with immersive sound

The Impossible Network
By Mark Fallows
May 10, 2022

This week’s guest is Michael Plitkins, co-founder and Co-Der of Spa­tial Inc – the Immer­sive Audio start-up that rede­fines the human expe­ri­ence by cre­at­ing vir­tu­al sound­scapes where you work, where you play, and where you stay.

In this inter­view, Michael takes us on a serendip­i­tous jour­ney through his life; a life defined by his will­ing­ness to embrace chal­lenges, the courage to con­front uncer­tain­ty, and trust in his fero­cious independence.

We dis­cuss the tra­jec­to­ry of his fas­ci­nat­ing career in Soft­ware Engi­neer­ing, his appre­ci­a­tion for, and expe­ri­ence in design, how that opened the doors to his first role as an engi­neer, work­ing across some ground­break­ing tech­nolo­gies in VR and voice space, at icon­ic com­pa­nies from Netscape to Nest.

To lis­ten to the inter­view, please vis­it: theim​pos​si​blenet​work​.com