Planet Signs Multi-Year, Multi-Launch Rideshare Agreement With SpaceX

By Mike Safyan
August 5, 2021

We’re thrilled to announce a mul­ti-year, mul­ti-launch agree­ment with SpaceX, solid­i­fy­ing them as our go-to-launch provider through the end of 2025. SpaceX’s Fal­con 9 is the world’s most reli­able and fre­quent­ly-flown rock­et that offers low-cost rideshare ser­vices, mak­ing SpaceX a nat­ur­al choice for us. The first planned launch under this agree­ment is Flock 4x, 44 Super­Doves on the Fal­con 9 Transporter‑3 SSO rideshare mis­sion sched­uled for launch Decem­ber 2021.

I’m excit­ed to con­tin­ue our part­ner­ship with SpaceX. We’ve had sev­en launch­es to date. But more than that, togeth­er we’ve pio­neered rapid plan­ning, man­u­fac­tur­ing, and launch of satel­lites that only Plan­et and SpaceX could togeth­er have achieved,” said Plan­et Co-founder and CEO Will Marshall.

The demand for flex­i­ble, high-res­o­lu­tion imagery of the Earth has sky­rock­et­ed in recent years as com­pa­nies across the world seek dai­ly glob­al insights for their indus­tries. Our goal is to deliv­er acces­si­ble data to our cus­tomers and part­ners and push the satel­lite imagery mar­ket past only serv­ing the tra­di­tion­al satel­lite imagery con­sumer, mul­ti-bil­lion dol­lar gov­ern­ments, to also serv­ing a new future of glob­al com­pa­nies and non-tra­di­tion­al users. SpaceX’s rideshare pro­gram allows us to meet these ambi­tious tar­gets by pro­vid­ing a fre­quent and reli­able way of get­ting new hard­ware up to space.

To read the full arti­cle please vis­it plan​et​.com