The startup trying to augment audio reality in public spaces

Spatial is taking on both theme parks and Muzak with interactive ambient audio

The Verge
May 4, 2021

A start­up called Spa­tial is unveil­ing its first suite of prod­ucts today, focused on cre­at­ing audio expe­ri­ences that are immer­sive, inter­ac­tive, and auto­mat­i­cal­ly gen­er­at­ed. The prod­ucts them­selves are a lit­tle com­pli­cat­ed to explain, but the result is sim­ple: ambi­ent and inter­ac­tive audio for pub­lic spaces that’s easy to cre­ate and more dynam­ic than the usu­al tracks.

Although Spa­tial has a con­sumer offer­ing, the most like­ly cus­tomers are going to be busi­ness­es. Think hotels that want a dif­fer­ent audio expe­ri­ence in their lob­by, theme parks that want to devel­op audio for their spaces faster, brand acti­va­tions, or AR expe­ri­ences (Nation­al Geo­graph­ic is an investor). Think about how corny the canned audio at the zoo often is; Spa­tial wants to fix that.

In one demo a cou­ple of weeks ago, I sat in a room and heard the sounds of a for­est all around me, with birds chirp­ing in one spot and then mov­ing to anoth­er — until a drag­on flew over­head and scared them all away for a lit­tle while.

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