Buffett, Ackman, Milken, Michael J. Fox! 10 People With Big Ideas To Change the World

November 23, 2015

What hap­pens when you put 150 altru­is­tic bil­lion­aires, leg­endary enter­tain­ers and Noble Prize-wor­thy gamechang­ers in one room for a day to talk about ways to give smart and bet­ter? Some dis­rup­tive ideas regard­ing philanthropy.


Nan­cy Pfund — Founder, DBL Investors

No. 6: If You’re Unsure About Impact Invest­ing, Dip Your Toe In

We see a lot of fam­i­ly foun­da­tions that aren’t ready for equi­ty invest­ments in phil­an­thropic com­pa­nies. But they can guar­an­tee a loan or do oth­er things that are more in their com­fort zones.”

To read the full arti­cle, vis­it Forbes.