This Edible Peel Extends the Shelf Life of Produce

Many of us have reached into the fridge and found avo­ca­dos that are too brown to put on toast, straw­ber­ries that are coat­ed in fuzzy mold or kale that has […]

Innovating to Better Serve People and Our Planet

[…] When we found­ed R‑Zero, we resolved to make a bet­ter dis­in­fec­tion prod­uct at a frac­tion of the price so more orga­ni­za­tions could access this supe­ri­or tech – includ­ing public […]

The startup trying to augment audio reality in public spaces

A start­up called Spa­tial is unveil­ing its first suite of prod­ucts today, focused on cre­at­ing audio expe­ri­ences that are immer­sive, inter­ac­tive, and auto­mat­i­cal­ly gen­er­at­ed. The prod­ucts them­selves are a lit­tle com­pli­cat­ed to […]