From root to crown, Mast Reforestation is regrowing the tree economy for the 21st century

By Devin Coldewey
May 17, 2023

Here’s the prob­lem: The plan­et is burn­ing, and there’s not much we can do about it.

Forests are in per­il not just because of the rav­ages of cli­mate change, but because the indus­tries that sup­port them remain tra­di­tion­al and under-resourced. Mast Refor­esta­tion is build­ing a tech-for­ward for­est-as-a-ser­vice com­pa­ny that vast­ly sim­pli­fies and accel­er­ates the process of restor­ing lands lost to wildfires.

The com­pa­ny sprout­ed, as it were, from Drone­Seed, which was pio­neer­ing new meth­ods of ana­lyz­ing forests and plant­i­ng seeds as a sort of reme­di­al pre­ci­sion agri­cul­ture. What they found was that although their meth­ods were effec­tive, the bot­tle­neck to restor­ing forests wasn’t just the plant­i­ng process. It was…pretty much every­thing else.

To read the full arti­cle, please vis­it: techcrunch