Yale SOM Will Launch New Student-Run Impact Investing Fund

Yale School of Management
December 14, 2022

The new Meng Impact Invest­ment Fund will give stu­dents hands-on expe­ri­ence select­ing and fund­ing orga­ni­za­tions that seek to make a prof­it while also con­tribut­ing to their communities.

The idea for the fund orig­i­nat­ed with stu­dents tak­ing the Pri­vate Cap­i­tal and Impact Invest­ing course taught by Sue Carter four years ago. Vin­cent Caru­so ’20, one of that first group of stu­dents along­side Alex Chen ’20, Anna Schikele ’20, Nate Schorr ’20, and Gab­by Cazeau ’20, said that stu­dents believed SOM should be a leader in impact invest­ing, giv­en the ‘over­whelm­ing inter­est’ among the stu­dent body and the role SOM grad­u­ates have played in cre­at­ing the field. Caru­so is now an asso­ciate at DBL Part­ners, the pio­neer­ing impact invest­ing ven­ture cap­i­tal firm found­ed by Nan­cy Pfund ’82.

To read the full arti­cle, please vis­it: Yale School of Management