Spatial launches immersive audio for homes, offices and theme parks

March 24, 2021

Spa­tial Inc. is unveil­ing a new kind of immer­sive audio expe­ri­ence today that will enable the com­pa­ny to cre­ate sound­scapes a vari­ety of uses: homes or offices or even theme parks. The start­up has also raised an undis­closed amount of funding.

The com­pa­ny is unveil­ing a real-time prod­uct plat­form as a ser­vice for build­ing sound­scapes. Spa­tial (which is reg­is­tered in Delaware as Spa­tialX, not to be con­fused with the AR/​VR com­pa­ny Spa­tial) is posi­tion­ing itself to lead inter­ac­tive sound­scape design for creators.

Spa­tial is tar­get­ing every­one who would like to have the audio expe­ri­ences of home the­aters wher­ev­er they go, even to out­door venues, said Calin Pacu­rar­iu, cofounder and CEO of Spa­tial, in an inter­view with Games­Beat. In con­trast to home the­aters that are con­tained by walls, Spa­tial plans to cre­ate sound expe­ri­ences that adapt to the audio environment.

-“We real­ly looked at rein­vent­ing sound for immer­sion,” Pacu­rar­iu said. “If you look at kind of tra­di­tion­al audio, every­thing from stereo to sur­round sound, the Dol­by Atmos, it’s all built around struc­tured envi­ron­ments, struc­tured room lay­outs, and lis­ten­er posi­tion. It’s well under­stood. For immer­sive audio, it is a dif­fer­ent set of chal­lenges. It’s just how you trick people’s minds into believ­ing that some­thing is actu­al­ly real, and how you make it real-time and inter­ac­tive and flexible.”

[…]Lead­ing oper­a­tions, Dar­rell Rodriguez joined the found­ing team after a sto­ried career in enter­tain­ment and tech. He has been a chief oper­at­ing offi­cer for Elec­tron­ic Arts, the pres­i­dent of LucasArts, and a leader of inno­va­tion and world­wide stu­dios for IGT. In an inter­view, he said that his time as a for­mer Dis­ney Imag­i­neer, where he worked on cre­ative and immer­sive expe­ri­ences for theme parks, helped pre­pare him for Spa­tial. Karen Carte, for­mer­ly of Pearl Automa­tion and Lyve, joined in 2017 as head of finance.

-“I real­ly fell in love with the idea of rein­vent­ing sound and to pro­vide anoth­er brush in the palette of cre­ators that they typ­i­cal­ly haven’t had,” Rodriguez said. “Audio is typ­i­cal­ly the last thing that is con­sid­ered in the last thing that’s built in games or in movies, or in a lot of immer­sive experiences.”

To read the full arti­cle please vis­it Ven​ture​Beat​.com