Revolution Foods is using food as a core building block to improve education

Cheddar, the leading post-cable online news channel.

August 28, 2019

Rev­o­lu­tion Foods CEO, Kristin Groos Rich­mond, was inter­viewed for their new series called The Future of Doing, which focus­es on busi­ness­es and inno­va­tions chang­ing the world.

The cor­re­la­tion between a stu­den­t’s health and their per­for­mance in the class­room goes hand in hand. Ched­dar talks with Kristin Groos Rich­mond, CEO and co-founder of Rev­o­lu­tion Foods, to under­stand how her orga­ni­za­tion is using food is a core build­ing block to improve education.

To read the full arti­cle, vis­it Ched­dar