Mapbox in Wired: A Powerful New Mapmaking Tool Fit for Both Pros and Newbies

http://​www​.wired​.com/​2​0​1​5​/​0​9​/​m​a​p​b​o​x​—​s​t​u​d​io/ Click to Open Over­lay GalleryAn inter­na­tion­al map of flight paths, styled in Map­box Stu­dio. Map­box Geo­da­ta is blow­ing up like crazy. As of last year, more than 680,000 apps […]

Flextronics Buys NEXTracker for $330 Million

By Eric Wesoff: Dan Shugar and DBL do it again: “I don’t know any­one who has ramped a com­pa­ny as fast as we have.” NEX­Track­er, a design­er and builder of sin­­gle-axis PV trackers, […]