Can healthy school lunches be a $1 billion idea?

Rev­o­lu­tion Foods CEO Kristin Groos Rich­mond has guid­ed her com­pa­ny to over 1,200 employ­ees and $130 mil­lion in rev­enue so far.  To read the com­plete arti­cle, vis­it SF Busi­ness Times.

Farmers Business Network a “game changer” in ag data revolution

Oma­ha, NE — Farm­ers har­vest in the new fron­tier, col­lect­ing data to dri­ve deci­sions and prof­its. Before Farm­ers Busi­ness Net­work was the hottest start-up in agri­cul­ture, it start­ed with a sim­ple concept […]

Diversity & Inclusion at the Muse

The Muse is com­mit­ted to being a diverse and inclu­sive employer—not just on paper, but in prac­tice. To help ensure The Muse is a wel­com­ing envi­ron­ment for all, the company […]

Inc.‘s Female Founders 100 — Kathryn Minshew, The Muse

The Chal­lengers: The Game Chang­ers Behind Food­stirs, Away, and the Play­ers’ Tri­bune These entre­pre­neurs on Inc.‘s Female Founders 100 are shak­ing up estab­lished industries–and spawn­ing entire­ly new ones. Kathryn Min­shew The Muse […]