Want to Save the Earth? We Need a Lot More Elon Musks.

The New York Times
By Thomas L. Friedman
November 19, 2021

If I am bru­tal­ly hon­est, there is only one mot­to I would give to the move­ment to stem cli­mate change after the Glas­gow sum­mit: “Every­one wants to go to heav­en but nobody wants to die.”

On the one hand, lib­er­al greens will tell you that the world is end­ing — but that we must not use nuclear pow­er, an abun­dant source of clean ener­gy, to stave it off. On the oth­er hand, con­ser­v­a­tive greens will tell you that the world is end­ing, but that we can’t bur­den peo­ple with a car­bon tax or a gaso­line tax to slow glob­al warming.

On a third hand, sub­ur­ban greens will tell you that the world is end­ing, but that they don’t want any wind­mills, solar farms or high-speed rail lines in their backyards.

To read the full arti­cle, please vis­it: The New York Times