Revolution Foods- The 10 most innovative food companies of 2021

Fast Company
March 10, 2021

Whether they are devel­op­ing new prod­ucts for gro­cery aisles or cre­at­ing new mar­ket­places where shop­pers might find them, these 10 com­pa­nies point the way for­ward for the entire food indus­try. Puris has cul­ti­vat­ed a pea vari­ety that will fuel the alt-meat indus­try for years to come. Per­fect Day makes a lab-grown ice cream that tastes as good as the real thing. And True Made Foods and Pure­cane are sweet­en­ing what we eat while keep­ing us healthy. Mean­while, Gold­bel­ly, Thrive Mar­ket, and Patag­o­nia Pro­vi­sions are con­nect­ing peo­ple to the food they val­ue most, from organ­ic pro­duce to award-win­ning New Orleans beignets.


For keep­ing peo­ple fed at the most impor­tant of times

Dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, Rev­o­lu­tion Foods, a com­pa­ny that is clos­ing the healthy food gap in under­served com­mu­ni­ties, served an aver­age of 2 mil­lion week­ly meals and snacks to char­ter schools, food banks, senior and com­mu­ni­ty feed­ing cen­ters, and home­less shelters—in 23 states. The com­pa­ny achieved this by work­ing with exist­ing part­ners expand­ing or start­ing new sum­mer pro­grams and new part­ner­ships with senior homes.

To view the full list please vis­it Fast Com­pa­ny.