Planet, KSAT And Airbus Awarded First-Ever Global Contract To Combat Deforestation

September 23, 2020

Norway’s Min­istry of Cli­mate and Envi­ron­ment today award­ed an inter­na­tion­al con­tract to Kongs­berg Satel­lite Ser­vices (KSAT), who, togeth­er with Plan­et and Air­bus, will pro­vide uni­ver­sal access to high-res­o­lu­tion satel­lite mon­i­tor­ing of the trop­ics in order to sup­port efforts to stop defor­esta­tion and save the world’s trop­i­cal forests. Through this pro­gram, the coali­tion of three geospa­tial orga­ni­za­tions will bring new tech­nolo­gies and trans­paren­cy to advance the mis­sion of Norway’s Inter­na­tion­al Cli­mate and Forests Ini­tia­tive (NICFI). This con­tract, val­ued up to 405M NOK (~$43.5M, ~37M ‎€), is designed to pro­tect the world’s trop­i­cal forests and pro­vide sus­tain­able path­ways to eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment for for­est com­mu­ni­ties and countries.

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