New State And City-Led Measures Are Promoting Building Electrification

September 19, 2020

In 2015, the Unit­ed States and rep­re­sen­ta­tives from near­ly 200 coun­tries reached a land­mark agree­ment to com­bat cli­mate change and tran­si­tion towards a low car­bon econ­o­my at COP 21 in Paris. In the agree­ment, coun­tries agreed to lim­it the rise of glob­al tem­per­a­ture to below 2°C by 2100 and sig­nal to glob­al finan­cial and ener­gy mar­kets a fun­da­men­tal shift away from fos­sil fuels and towards zero-car­bon ener­gy. At the time of sign­ing, then-Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma described the agree­ment as “a strong, endur­ing frame­work to set the world on a course to a low-car­bon future”. How­ev­er, in June 2017, Pres­i­dent Trump announced that the Unit­ed States would with­draw from the Paris Cli­mate Agree­ment — cre­at­ing a void in lead­er­ship at the fed­er­al lev­el on cli­mate change. Short­ly after this announce­ment, may­ors from 407 U.S. cities and more than a dozen states — rep­re­sent­ing 40% of the U.S. econ­o­my — com­mit­ted to reduc­ing fos­sil fuel emis­sions and achiev­ing the goals of the Paris Cli­mate Agree­ment in response to Pres­i­dent Trump’s decision.


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