The RealReal Commits to Being Fully Carbon Neutral by 2021

Environment + Energy Leader
By Emily Holbrook
November 22, 2019

Today The Real­Re­al announced its pledge to be ful­ly car­bon neu­tral in 2021, in response to the CEO Car­bon Neu­tral Chal­lenge issued by Guc­ci pres­i­dent and CEO Mar­co Biz­zarri yesterday.

The CEO Car­bon Neu­tral Chal­lenge calls for com­pa­nies to respond to the cur­rent cli­mate cri­sis by accel­er­at­ing their com­mit­ments to address their total green­house gas (GHG) emis­sions. By band­ing togeth­er and tak­ing action now to deliv­er near-term results, com­pa­nies par­tic­i­pat­ing in the chal­lenge will help mit­i­gate the impact of emis­sions and fuel pos­i­tive change.

Read the full post at Envi­ron­ment + Ener­gy Leader