From Nada to Prada with Andela

By Hannah Masila
November 15, 2017

There is so much chit chat going around about Andela. Some peo­ple are talk­ing based on rumors or pain of not mak­ing it to the fel­low­ship while oth­ers speak based on fact. I am going to write about what Andela means to me.

I am a vil­lage girl born at home and deliv­ered by a local mid­wife. I grew up eat­ing sweet pota­toes and pump­kins before grad­u­at­ing to Ugali with local veg­eta­bles such as salakushe and mnavu. I went to nurs­ery school under a tree and in my first lessons, we used to write on the ground. For count­ing, we used sticks and small balls made of mud, local­ly known as soko­ta. School was a rou­tine to me. It was a place where chil­dren were tak­en for 8 years before they were mar­ried off. Ooh, yeah, in Kwale, girls were mar­ried off as ear­ly as 12.

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