High Water Women to Hold Fourth Symposium on Impact Investing

October 7, 2016

Eliz­a­beth Lit­tle­field, Pres­i­dent and CEO of the Over­seas Pri­vate Invest­ment Cor­po­ra­tion, to deliv­er Keynote Address

High Water Women (HWW), the not for prof­it vol­un­teer orga­ni­za­tion with a focus on empow­er­ing women and youth, is hold­ing its fourth annu­al Sym­po­sium on Impact Invest­ing in New York at the City of New York Grad­u­ate Cen­ter, on Octo­ber 18, 2016. Fea­tur­ing keynote speak­er Eliz­a­beth Lit­tle­field, Pres­i­dent and CEO of the Over­seas Pri­vate Invest­ment Corporation.

This year’s Sym­po­sium builds on the themes which HWW has been devel­op­ing since it first launched its impact sym­po­sium pro­gram in 2013: the prac­ti­cal real­i­ties of build­ing an impact port­fo­lio, the oppor­tu­ni­ties, chal­lenges and lat­est devel­op­ments in impact invest­ing and women in the impact invest­ment market-place.

HWW has been a thought leader in impact phil­an­thropy since its found­ing in 2005. The Sym­po­sium brings togeth­er fam­i­ly offices, foun­da­tions and their advi­sors, as well as asset man­agers, aca­d­e­mics, and oth­er key stake­hold­ers to engage in dynam­ic con­ver­sa­tions on invest­ing for impact.

The High Water Women Invest­ing with Impact Sym­po­sium has become a true high­light of the impact invest­ing cal­en­dar,” says Anna Snider, the Chair of the HWW Board of Direc­tors, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor and Head of Due Dili­gence for the Chief Invest­ment Office with­in Glob­al Wealth & Invest­ment Man­age­ment, Mer­rill Lynch. “We are delight­ed to have so many great speak­ers in this year’s lineup.”

Snider co-chairs the HWW Invest­ing with Impact Sym­po­sium with HWW board Pres­i­dent Ari­ane de Vienne, head of North Amer­i­ca for Ger­man-based ESG rat­ing agency oekom research AG. “HWW sup­ports the New York Com­mu­ni­ty by bring­ing finan­cial lit­er­ary train­ing and oth­er sup­port to a large num­ber of low-income teens and women. This work pro­vides reward­ing vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties to hun­dreds of pro­fes­sion­als in finan­cial ser­vices. As an exten­sion, we designed the Sym­po­sium to cre­ate a deep­er under­stand­ing of the oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges in impact invest­ing. Our pan­els will explore cut­ting-edge top­ics around invest­ment themes and cap­i­tal deploy­ment,” says de Vienne. “We are very lucky that we have such a fan­tas­tic com­mit­tee of vol­un­teers, who come togeth­er every year and put on this sym­po­sium. It is their ded­i­ca­tion and exper­tise, as well as the sup­port we receive from the impact com­mu­ni­ty, that gives this event its unique per­spec­tive and allows us to go deep­er into the issues and oppor­tu­ni­ties around impact investing.”

The day­long pro­gram starts at 9:00 am with keynote speak­er Eliz­a­beth Lit­tle­field. Her remarks will be fol­lowed by a ple­nary ses­sion focused on wealth trans­fer and inter­gen­er­a­tional impact. Atten­dees will then choose between four break­out ses­sions. A net­work­ing lunch will be fol­lowed by four after­noon break­out ses­sions, then after­noon ple­nary ses­sions on entre­pre­neurs, the future of impact invest­ing and women and impact. The pro­gram will con­clude at 5:30 PM.

Pan­elists and work­shop mod­er­a­tors includes such indus­try lead­ers and experts as:

Viv­ina Berla, Sarona Asset Man­age­ment | Vic­ki Ben­jamin, Calvert Invest­ments | Dri­anne Ben­ner, Appo­mat­tox Advi­so­ry | Peter Bernard, Root Cap­i­tal | Mon­i­ca Brand, Quona Cap­i­tal | Sara Brand, True Wealth Ven­tures | Heather Cairns, Coastal Streets | Arlyn Davich, PayPer­ks | Lisa Davis, Pem­brook Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment | James Dear­born, Colum­bia Thread­nee­dle | Dr. Joan Fal­lon, Cure­mark | Ivan Frish­berg, Amal­ga­mat­ed Bank | Kim For­tu­na­to, Camp­bell Soup Foun­da­tion | Kari­na Funk, Brown Advi­so­ry | Eric Glass, Alliance­Bern­stein | Steven Godeke, Jessie Smith Noyes Foun­da­tion | Michelle Gonzalez,The Influ­encer Series | Taryn Good­man, NatureVest | Tara Hig­gins, Orrick Her­ring­ton Sut­cliffe | Michael Hoel­ter, Africa Agri­cul­ture and Trade Invest­ment Fund | Sum­mer­ly Horn­ing, Tau Invest­ments | Paulus Ingram, Arc Fidu­cia­ry | Hilary Irby, Mor­gan Stan­ley | Eric Jacob­sen, Grat­i­tude Rail­road | Jalak Joban­pu­tra, FuturePer­fect Ven­tures | Justi­na Lai, Wether­by Asset Man­age­ment | Lin­da-Eling Lee, MSCI | Christi­na Lei­jon­hufvud, Tide­line | Geor­gia Lev­en­son Keo­hane, Per­sh­ing Square Foun­da­tion | Paul Light­foot, Bright Farms | Eliz­a­beth Lit­tle­field, OPIC | Bon­ny Moel­len­brock, Investors’ Cir­cle| Mol­ly Morse, Man­go Mate­ri­als | Rehana Nathoo, Case Foun­da­tion | Eileen Neely, Liv­ing Cities | David Nico­la, Black­dirt Cap­i­tal | Gayle Jen­nings O’Byrne, Maya Ven­tures Part­ners | Tra­cy Paland­jian, Social Finance | Conor Platt, Etho Cap­i­tal | Will Poole, Capria Ven­tures & Uni­tus Seed Fund | Ellen Rem­mer, The Phil­an­thropic Ini­tia­tive | Cyn­thia Ringo, DBL Investors | Imo­gen Rose-Smith, Insti­tu­tion­al Investor | Kristi­na Rueter, oekom research AG | Ker­ry Rupp, True Wealth Ven­tures | Debra Schwartz, The John D. and Cather­ine T. MacArthur Foun­da­tion | Lisa Sebesta, Fresh Source Cap­i­tal | Ash­ley Shul­ten, Black­Rock  Jamie Sil­ver, Mariner Invest­ment Group | Can­dace Smith, MicroVest | Anna Snider, Mer­rill Lynch | Lau­rie Spen­gler, Enclude | Joan Trant, TriL­inc Glob­al | Kath­leen Utecht, Core Inno­va­tion | Anna-Marie Wasch­er, Flat World Part­ners | Amy Wild­stein, Spring­board Growth Cap­i­tal | Nate Yohannes, U.S. Small Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion | Pat Zol­lar, Neu­berg­er Berman

HWW invites indi­vid­u­als, orga­ni­za­tions and firms already involved in or seek­ing to explore the field of val­ues-based invest­ing to attend, send clients, or help spon­sor this event. Infor­ma­tion on spon­sor­ship lev­els and attend­ing the event can be found on HWW web­site: www​.high​wa​ter​women​.org or con­tact impactinvest@​highwaterwomen.​org.

Spon­sors include Calvert Invest­ments, The John D. and Cather­ine T. MacArthur Foun­da­tion, Orrick Her­ring­ton Sut­cliffe, Bank of the West, Black­Rock, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, MicroVest, Nia Glob­al Solu­tions, Tree­house Invest­ments, TriL­inc Glob­al, Wether­by Asset Man­age­ment, Brown Advi­so­ry, Etho Cap­i­tal, Impax Asset Man­age­ment, Fideli­ty Char­i­ta­ble, Mariner Invest­ment Group, oekom research, Walden Asset Management.

About High Water Women
High Water Women (HWW) is a 501(c) (3) orga­ni­za­tion found­ed in 2005 by women in the hedge fund and invest­ment indus­tries to pro­mote the eco­nom­ic empow­er­ment of women and youth. We are a vol­un­teer-dri­ven orga­ni­za­tion with more than 4,000 busi­ness pro­fes­sion­als par­tic­i­pat­ing in a wide range of vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties with non­prof­it part­ners, and through our own pro­grams in finan­cial lit­er­a­cy, micro­fi­nance and oth­er ini­tia­tives for chil­dren and fam­i­lies in need. HWW is a leader in finan­cial lit­er­a­cy for teens and young adults through the High Water Women Muriel Siebert Cam­paign for Finan­cial Lit­er­a­cy. In addi­tion, HWW’s Glob­al Micro­fi­nance Con­sul­tan­cy con­nects pri­vate-sec­tor vol­un­teers with finance and risk man­age­ment skills to micro­fi­nance insti­tu­tions to pro­vide growth, risk man­age­ment and con­sult­ing. In 2013, HWW launched the HWW Sym­po­sium on Invest­ing for Impact for fam­i­ly offices, endow­ments foun­da­tions and oth­er investors.

The Sym­po­sium Steer­ing Com­mit­tee includes:

Dri­anne Ben­ner, Appo­mat­tox Advi­so­ry * Moya Con­nel­ly, Deutsche Bank * Ari­ane de Vienne, oekom research * Dar­cy Gar­ner, Chan­nel Fam­i­ly Assets * Diane Keat­ing, High Water Women * Amie Patel * Marcela Pinil­la, Chris­t­ian Broth­ers Invest­ment Ser­vices *  Imo­gen Rose-Smith, Insti­tu­tion­al investor * Delores Rubin, Deutsche Bank * Anna Snider, Mer­rill Lynch

Fol­low High Water Women on Twit­ter, Face­book and LinkedIn

Cindy Stoller