Early Tesla investors close $400 million fund for startups with a social cause

June 23, 2015


Two ear­ly back­ers of Tes­la have offi­cial­ly closed on a $400 mil­lion fund to invest in star­tups that have an envi­ron­men­tal and social good com­po­nent, some­times called impact invest­ing. DBL Part­ners, with investors Nan­cy Pfund and Ira Ehren­preis, closed part of the funds last December.

DBL Part­ners stands for “Dou­ble Bot­tom Line” and it describes a style of invest­ing: invest in com­pa­nies that cre­ate mon­e­tary val­ue and also val­ue for soci­ety. The firm was orig­i­nal­ly spun-out of JPMorgan’s Bay Area Equi­ty Fund I and found­ed by Pfund.

This is the third fund from DBL and it’s the largest. DBL’s sec­ond fund of $150 mil­lion is almost ful­ly invest­ed now with at least 23 com­pa­nies.

To read the full arti­cle, vis­it Fortune