TheGreenJobBank Announces its Top 10 Green Employers of 2012

DBL Portfolio Companies Among Most Active "Green" Jobs Creators

The Green Job Bank
January 14, 2013

The Green­Job­Bank just came out with its list of the Top 10 Green Employ­ers of 2012.  DBL port­fo­lio com­pa­nies Tes­la Motors and SolarCi­ty are one and two on the list!  See news release below.

SILVER SPRING, Md., Jan. 9, 2013 /PRNewswire-iReach/ — The­Green­Job­Bank today announced its list of Top 10 Green Employ­ers of 2012.  These employ­ers are com­pa­nies in mul­ti­ple sec­tors of the Green Econ­o­my ‑renew­able ener­gy, green auto­mo­tive, green build­ing, ener­gy effi­cien­cy, smart grid, envi­ron­men­tal, and sus­tain­abil­i­ty, that have post­ed the most green jobs online in 2012.

The­Green­Job­Bank index­es green jobs from web­sites of green employ­ers, green recruiters, green non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions, green trade asso­ci­a­tions, and green job boards.  Its keeps a set of quar­ter­ly and year­ly sta­tis­ti­cal data by employ­er and by sec­tor, that enables easy reporting.

For a list­ing of all of DBL Part­ners’ Clean Tech Com­pa­nies, fol­low this link.

The 2012 top 10 green employ­ers post­ed a total of over 4,200 green jobs:

1. Tes­la Motors 671 green job postings
2. SolarCi­ty 541
3. Envi­ron­men­tal Resources Management 453
4. MWH (Water-relat­ed services) 441
5. The Nature Conservancy 419
6. The Nation­al Renew­able Ener­gy Laboratory 397
7. Ameresco (Ener­gy Efficiency) 371
8. REC Solar 366
9. Veren­go Solar Plus 303
10. Card­no ENTRIX 296

2012 was a great year for green jobs, with our search engine index­ing over 100,000 green job posts” said Bernard Fer­ret, Founder and CEO of The­Green­Job­Bank. “It was the best we have seen since launch­ing three years ago, and it clear­ly demon­strates that the Green Econ­o­my expan­sion is real, and that the Green mar­ket is doing very well.”

The 2012 solar ener­gy sec­tor of the Green Econ­o­my demon­strat­ed an accel­er­at­ing growth rate. Three of the top 10 com­pa­nies with100% solar prod­ucts are: SolarCi­ty, REC Solar and Veren­go Solar Plus. The com­bined solar-relat­ed com­pa­nies green job posts: over 5,000.

The envi­ron­men­tal sec­tor showed a steady, sol­id response as well. Two in the top 10 list are: Envi­ron­men­tal Resources Man­age­ment (ERM) and Card­no ENTRIX.  Envi­ron­men­tal prod­ucts and ser­vices com­pa­nies post­ed a com­bined num­ber of green jobs of 3,800.

About The­Green­Job­Bank

The­Green­Job­Bank is the lead­ing search engine for all green jobs. It began in 2009 and today, there are over 10,000 dai­ly green job list­ings. The site pro­vides real time cur­rent list­ings pulled from thou­sands of web­sites with green posts. The list­ings come from green employ­ers, green recruiters, non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions, trade asso­ci­a­tions, research labs, green job boards, and ven­ture fund­ed green star­tups. The site also includes a direc­to­ry of green employ­er pro­files and green edu­ca­tion pro­grams and, pro­vides infor­ma­tion on cer­ti­fi­ca­tions required for some jobs. The Green Job Bank pro­vides job seek­ers all the job search and research tools nec­es­sary to access green com­pa­nies to help them find their desired entry into a green job.

Media Con­tact: Bernard Fer­ret The­Green­Job­Bank, 703–798-2111,bernard.ferret@the​green​job​bank​.com

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