The most successful (& positive) greentech VC you haven’t heard of

Nancy Pfund, Managing Partner at DBL, is highlighted in recent GigaOM article

September 7, 2012

GigaOM wrote an arti­cle about DBL Man­ag­ing Part­ner Nan­cy Pfund, pub­lished on March 4, 2012.

Meet­ing a wild­ly suc­cess­ful and pos­i­tive green­tech investor is kind of like spot­ting a Cal­i­for­nia Con­dor in the wild: you know they’re out there, but good luck on ever find­ing one. How­ev­er, I recent­ly caught a glimpse of one of these endan­gered species, and her name is Nan­cy Pfund, a long­time investor and founder of DBL Part­ners(stands for Dou­ble Bot­tom Line).

Yes, green­tech insid­ers will already know Pfund, who joined JPMor­gan in the mid-80′s and found­ed DBL, which was a spin-out of JPMorgan’s Bay Area Equi­ty Fund I in Jan­u­ary of 2008. And also, yes, I’m exag­ger­at­ing on the endan­gered species bit (some funds have done O.K.) but for a lot of the green­tech investors, it’s been tru­ly hard to stay pos­i­tive these days. Clean pow­er and bat­tery com­pa­nies have had their fair share of bank­rupt­cies in recent months, the Solyn­dra sto­ry has become a cam­paign slo­gan in an elec­tion year, some green­tech funds have strug­gled to raise as much mon­ey as they’ve want­ed, and still oth­er gen­er­al­ist VCs have told me that they plan to give up on green­tech invest­ing altogether.”

Read the full arti­cle at GigaOM →