Women And Clean Energy: Overcoming The Double Standard

Forbes Blog

June 25, 2012

This post orig­i­nal­ly appeared at Forbes​.com, writ­ten by Nan­cy E. Pfund,

As a woman in ven­ture cap­i­tal, I am part of a small club, and it’s part of my job to try to change that.  As a woman in clean tech ven­ture cap­i­tal, the club is small­er still, but some­how it fits like a glove.  While it pains me to say this, women in clean tech ven­ture cap­i­tal are as much the excep­tion to the rule as renew­able ener­gy is to the U.S. ener­gy supply.

For exam­ple, for all the hoopla that sur­rounds a wind farm or solar plant that gets built on pub­lic lands, many more per­mits are grant­ed each year to oil and gas explo­ration with­out most peo­ple even know­ing.  In 2010, the Bureau of Land Man­age­ment approved nine large-scale solar projects on 40,000 acres of fed­er­al land.  In that same year, the BLM processed more than 5,200 appli­ca­tions for gas and oil leas­es cov­er­ing 3.2 mil­lion acres.

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